Jedinstvo has published business results for first six months

In accordance with statutory regulation, Jedinstvo has published, for the first time this year, its half-yearly business results of the mother company and consolidated financial accounts with its dependent companies.

In unconsolidated terms, Jedinstvo has grossed revenues of 1.46 billion dinars in the first half of the year, an 136.5% increase compared to the same period of the last year. The unconsolidated net profits amount to 20.6 million dinars, against the last year’s same period losses of 161 million dinars.
In consolidated terms, the business revenues of 2.2 billion dinars have been made (growth of 128.5%), nearly a half made abroad, with more than tenfold growth. The final result was 58.2 million dinars compared to the 213.4 million dinars losses in the same period of the last year.

The company’s management has noted that the half-yearly financial report will not yield a plausible picture of the company’s operations due to a specific nature of its business which makes more than a half of the total annual revenue in the period from June to October.

The company management’s estimate is that the company will end the current year with a total revenue at the last year’s level, as the realization of the signed contracts will bring 10 million euros, and the signing of new contracts by the end of August had already been made certain: building of an oil derivatives storage facility in Smederevo (worth around 6.7 million euros), improvement of the Aeroinzenjering building in Novi Beograd (around 3 million euros) and the regional Kolubara – Valjevo waterworks (over 6 million euros).

Jedinstvo has also signed a contract annex worth around 4 million euros for the second phase of the works in Kotor, which will start in mid – October.