Construction of alternative water supply system in Uzice is finished

On Thursday, 23th January, two days before the deadline, the construction of alternative water supply system from Sušica, which will be used for alternative supply of drinking water in Uzice, is finished.

The Mayor of Uzice, Sasa Milošević said that technical rehearsals and the purification of the complete water system are ongoing, adding that the citizens of Uzice will get drinking water, when 300 km long water system in town would be purified.

Work on the construction of water system from Sušica,1,800 m long, was carried out by about 100 workers from JEDINSTVO and about 80 members of the Serbian Army officers, non-commissioned officers and professional soldiers.

Mica Micic, the head of the Jedinstvo, did not hide satisfaction with finished works and he said that the construction was very demanding. “We have done job extremely well, having done more than it was planned: we have made also the pipes towards Cajetina, which have create the conditions for a pipeline from this source towards Zlatibor area.”

He also added, that it has been continuous work and there were constantly engaged 15, 20 large and small excavators and other machinery. “What remained, is to do a complete backfilling of pipelines and the concrete works that can be done also in the spring,” concluded Micic.

The construction of an alternative water supply for Uzice in full swing

water_supply_2After last week start of welding pipes on the route of alternative water supply system from Sušica and preparing of major part of the field by military machinery, this week have intensified works on this project.

Length of alternative water supply system from Sušica sources to water treatment plants Cerovića brdo is about 1.800m, and the deadline is the 25th January. The works performing workers of Jedinstvo, while for preparing of inaccessible terrain are engaged members of the II Army Brigade..

“We submitted two kilometers of pipes and hired about 70 workers in the field and more of them in the workshop. We also engaged 14 excavators, 2 pipe layers, 4 trucks, 2 cranes, 4 tractors and other construction equipment. We are working in full speed from Monday and we will be able to perform the works in the case of rain so we expect to complete the works 25th January”, said Mica Micic, President of Jedinstvo

As previously announced by the Government of Serbia, coordination team has been formed which is in daily session until the 25th January, when is planned to establish alternative supply system with drinking water from sources Sušica.

Jedinstvo shares admitted to Belgrade Stock Exchange Standard Listing

Belex 2Listing and Quotation Committee of the Belgrade Stock Exchange has on 8 January 2014 issued decision on admission of shares in Jedinstvo Sevojno (JESV) on the Listing B – Standard Listing of Belgrade Stock Exchange from 13 January this year, BSE reported.

As a result of the decision, the company will be obliged to start reporting quarterly figures and all other important events on a regular basis.

There are already three companies at this segment on the Belgrade Stock Exchange: Metalac (MTLC), Komercijalna banka (KMBN) and Alfa Plam (ALFA).

Belgrade Airport “Nikola Tesla” (AERO) was the latest company has been admitted on listing of the Belgrade Stock Exchange two years ago, joining on the Listing A Petroleum Industry of Serbia (NIIS), Sojaprotein (SJPT) and Energoprojekt Holding (ENHL).

Jedinstvo presents corporate strategy at Belgrade Stock Exchange Conference

Jedinstvo achieved remarkable performance at traditional Belgrade Stock Exchange International Conference which was held Tuesday, 19 November, in Hotel Hyatt Regency. The Company presented to the investment public in the panel regarding investor relations.

The intention of Jedinstvo shareholders to improve the quality of corporate governance through the listing of the Company on Standard Market, announced Mr Dusko Djuric, member of the Executive Board of the Company. Many investors and conference guests were introduced with the history of Jedinstvo, its core business, financial results and the most important business contracts have been signed during the last years and in 2013.

In addition to a appearances at the Conference, representatives of Jedinstvo have attended a number of meetings with potential investors from Estonia, Finland, Hungary, USA, Slovenia, who are interested in the Company’s business prospects and investment opportunities.

Full amounts od dividend paid out

The last part of the dividend from last year`s profit were paid out to Jedinstvo shareholders on Thursday, 31 October.

A total amount of RSD 88.5m were paid out to shareholders, while remaining amount from 2012 profit (RSD 141m) remained as retained earnings.

Gross dividend per share amounted to RSD 294.12 (net dividend of RSD 250) and according to a shareholders assembly decision dividends were paid out in three equal installments from July 1.

As in previous years, 31 December will be a record date for payment of dividends from this year’s profit, i.e. ex-dividend day wil be 1 January, 2014.

Jedinstvo announces 1H2013 financial results

Jedinstvo has announced its consolidated business results for the first six months, which show a significant increase in key financial indicators.
Jedinstvo announced consolidated business revenue of RSD 3.73bn in the first half of the year, up nearly 70 percent from the same period last year, with the company’s core business accounting for most of the revenue. Operating profit at the end of June stood at RSD 188.2m, whereas the consolidated net profit was somewhat in excess of RSD 142 million, almost three times as much as the end result achieved in the first six months of the last year.
The consolidated results of Jedinstvo include the results of the parent company and eight subsidiaries, six of which operate in the country and two abroad.
In the same period, parent company announced revenues of RSD 1.81bn (+24.1%), operating profit amounted RSD 105.3m, while net profit was at RSD 91.5m (4.5 times higher than in 1H2012).

Agreement on water supply to north Kosovo signed in Zubin Potok

An agreement on a project to construct a water supply system for three municipalities in northern Kosovo was signed in the northern Kosovo town of Zubin Potok on Tuesday, 16 July.

The agreement was signed by Director of the Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo-Metohija Aleksandar Vulin, Presidents of the Municipalities of Zubin Potok, Zvecan and Kosovska Mitrovica, Slavisa Ristic, Dragisa Milovic and Dragisa Vlaskovic, respectively, and a representative of Jedinstvo, general manager Marko Batakovic.

The costs for the project will amount to RSD 1.17bn and the construction works should begin in mid-August and have an 18-month deadline.

Jedinstvo wins EUR 57.2m worth of contracts

After entering Slovenian market this year, Jedinstvo has won EUR 32m worth of contracts in this EU country for the work on the water supply systems of municipalities Lendava, Crensovci, Velika Polana, Turnisce, Odranci, Dobrovnik and Kobilje.

These projects will keep over 200 workers busy over the next year and a half. The work will be financed from European so-called cohesion funds where 85 percent of the funds are provided by Europe and 15 percent by Slovenia.

The company also expect to ink a EUR 13.2m contract by the end of the month to build a water supply system for the City of Bar, Montenegro. This project will be financed by the German Credit Bank.

Last month was very successful for our company, both abroad and in Serbia, where Jedinstvo was the sole bidder for the construction of water supply systems for municipalities Zubin Potok, Zvecan and Kosovska Mitrovica. These projects are worth about EUR 12m.

Annual General Meeting to be held at June 12

By resolution of the Supervisory Board of Jedinstvo, annual General Meeting of shareholders will be held on Wednesday, 12 June, 2013 at 12:00 at the registered office of the Company. The agenda of the annual general meeting of shareholders is the following:

  • adoption of the 2012 Annual financial report (nonconsolidated and consolidated one),
  • distribution of profit,
  • adoption of the Decision to list the Company on Listing B – Standard Market of the Belgrade Stock Exchange.

The shareholder holding at least 0.1% of the total number of Company shares i.e. 300 shares, i.e. proxy who represents the shareholders holding at least 300 shares of Jedinstvo on the Shareholders` day (June 2) shall have the right to participate personally in the activities of the Shareholders’ Assembly.

Jedinstvo Group revenues hit record high in 2012

Jedinstvo and its dependent companies has achieved record high level of revenues in 2012 totaled RSD 6bn on a consolidated basis. Consolidated revenues surged 35.5% compared to 2011, while operating profit was 6.1% weaker and amounted to RSD 305.7m. Condolidated net profit decreased 10.2% to RSD 331.2m.

The largest contribution to the proceeds was given by the parent company, which achieved a total revenues of RSD 4.2bn, while the Russian subsidiary of Jedinstvo, Jedinstvo Engeenering, achieved revenues of RSD 2.4 bn.

Regarding earnings, the parent company made ​​the largest contribution to profit (earnings of RSD 241.3m), following by Uzice Gas (RSD 64.1m) and Moscow-based Jedinstvo Engeenering (RSD 52.6m).