Jedinstvo named best bider for tender Construction of water supply and sewerage infrastructure in Bar

The opening of Financial bids submitted in the tender for the construction of water and sewage infrastructure took place at Municipality of Bar on Thursday, 7 February.
The selection of the best bidders will completed the second stage of the tender procedure within the project “Improvement of water supply and sanitation in the municipality of Bar”, jointly implemented by local government, JP Vodovod i kanalizacija and Vodacom, in cooperation with the Goverment of Montenegro and German Development Bank (KfW).
Deputy Mayor Dragan Simovic announced bids from three bidders have received in the range of EUR 13.2-17.5m.

“Jedinstvo from Sevojno gave an offer of EUR 13.2m, Turkish Celtikcioglu EUR 13.5m, and Sade CGTH from France offered EUR 17.5m. The Commission will now verify the correctness of the financial offers. Regarding the fact this project has been implementing in cooperation with the KfW, after its experts offer their opinion on validity of tenders, sum score for technical and financial bids and selection of the best bidder will be made. Finally, municipalities of Bar will sign a contract with the best bidder”, said Simovic. Continue reading

And this year’s record date fixed to December 31

In accordance with the Capital Market Act and the Rules on the Contents and Methods of Public Companies’ Reporting, Jedinstvo has informed the public through the Belgrade Stock Exchange of its record date.

According to a public statement, the company’s Articles of Association set December 31, 2012, for the date when a list of company’s shareholders entitled to dividend from the profits made in the current year will be established.

The list of shareholders will be established upon the data from the Central Securities Depository and Clearing House’s Single Evidence of Shareholders on December 31, 2012, i.e. every shareholder on the record of shareholders on the last trading day of 2012 will be entitled to the dividend.

A resolution on the payment of dividend wil be passed by an annual general meeting, upon the adoption of financial reports for 2012.

Jedinstvo has published business results for first six months

In accordance with statutory regulation, Jedinstvo has published, for the first time this year, its half-yearly business results of the mother company and consolidated financial accounts with its dependent companies.

In unconsolidated terms, Jedinstvo has grossed revenues of 1.46 billion dinars in the first half of the year, an 136.5% increase compared to the same period of the last year. The unconsolidated net profits amount to 20.6 million dinars, against the last year’s same period losses of 161 million dinars.
In consolidated terms, the business revenues of 2.2 billion dinars have been made (growth of 128.5%), nearly a half made abroad, with more than tenfold growth. The final result was 58.2 million dinars compared to the 213.4 million dinars losses in the same period of the last year.
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Full amounts of dividend paid out

After the annual general meeting had adopted a resolution on the payment of dividend in a gross amount of 500 dinars per share, all shareholders who owned shares on December 31, 2011, were paid adequate amounts.

The net dividend of 450 dinars per share was awarded to natural persons (gross dividend reduced for due tax), whereas legal persons were paid 500 dinars per share in gross dividend.

The company has paid out 152.4 million dinars for the dividends, which amounts to 40% of the net profits made in the last year.

Annual general meeting held

An annual general meeting (AGM) was held in the company’s premises on June 1, 2012, starting at noon.

The AGM passed resolutions on the adoption of the company’s Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association for the purpose of complying with the Companies Act.

Also, financial accounts for the last year were adopted, and the AGM passed a resolution on the dividend in the gross amount of 500 dinars to be paid out to the shareholders on the record on December 31.

Beside the said resolutions, the AGM chose the company’s auditor for 2012, and passed resolutions on the acquisition of own shares amounting to 10% of the share capital and filing of the request for the listing of MPP Jedinstvo’s shares on List B of the Belgrade Stock Exchange.

Otvoren sportsko rekreativni kompleks Prozivka u Subotici

Trideset i šest dana, 23 sata i 19 minuta pre zadatog roka od 180 dana, završena je izgradnja i otvoren objekat bazena pod zvaničnim nazivom “Sportsko rekreativni centar Prozivka”. Baš kao i prilikom početka radova, ovoga puta svečanim zaustavljanjem sata označen je kraj radova i otvoren zatvoreni bazen u naselju Prozivka. Otvaranje bazena, nakon decenija čekanja, privuklo je veliki broj Subotičana. Continue reading

AGM scheduled for June 1

The MPP Jedinstvo ad Sevojno’s Board of Directors has convened for June 1 an annual general meeting (AGM). Shareholders or their proxies with at least 0.1% of the total number of shares on May 22 of the current year (303 shares) will have the right to take part.

The AGM’s agenda will include company’s compliance with the new legislation (adoption of a Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association), adoption of financial and consolidated financial accounts, and distribution of profit as well.

The agenda will also include the choosing of company’s auditor, and passing of resolutions on the acquisition of own shares amounting to 10% of the share capital and on the filing of the request for the listing of MPP Jedinstvo ad Sevojno’s shares on List B (Standard market) of the Belgrade Stock Exchange.

Putevi i Jedinstvo grade Olimpijski univerzitet u Sočiju

Užički Putevi i MPP Jedinstvo iz Sevojna jedine su domaće građevinske kompanije koje će raditi u Sočiju (Rusija) objekte za zimsku Olimpijadu koja će se održati 2014. godine.

Putevi koji su nosilac poslova, juče su potpisali ugovor o izgradnji Olimpijskog univerziteta vredan 265 miliona dolara.

Ukupna površina kompleksa premašuje 92.000 kvadrata, a s obzirom na ugovorene rokove koji su veoma kratki, dnevno će se izvoditi radovi vredni oko 400.000 dolara.

Partner Putevima u ovom poslu je MPP Jedinstvo iz  Sevojna, koje je zaduženo za instalacije.

Investitor na izgradnji kompleksa Olimpijski univerzitet  je ruska finansijska grupacija Interros, a po ugovoru ovaj projekata treba da bude završen do 1. februara naredne godine.

Puštena u rad etaža zrenjaninske bolnice

Bolnica u Zrenjaninu

Predsednik Vlade Vojvodine Bojan Pajtić svečano je juče označio početak rada u savremeno opremljenom urološkom ginekološkom i ušnom odeljenju, smeštenim na petom spratu,nove zgrade Opšte bolnice „Đorđe Jovanović“ u Zrenjaninu. Pajtić je, označavajući početak rada tri deljenja, smeštena na 25.000 kvadratnih metara, izrazio zadovoljstvo zbog poboljšanja zdravstene zaštite uSrednjobanatskom okrugu , podsećajući da je Pokrajina finansirala izgradnju Medicinske škole u Zrenjaninu. Direktorka bolnice dr Gordana Kotlovački rekla je da je sa opremanjem novih 2.500 kvadratnih metara, sada u funkciji pet etaža sa ukupno 23.700 m2

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