Open swimming pool, Varvarin

Type of works: Construction of open swimming pool with plateau and stands in the SRC “Varvarin”; assembly of mechanical and pool installation, electrical work, water and sewerage system
Investor: PE Directorate for planning and construction “Varvarin”
Contract value: RSD 29.9m

Streets reconstruction in Aranđelovac, phase III

Type of works: Work on reconstruction of the streets of Knjaz Miloš and Zanatlijska, Aranđelovac; works on water supply, sewer lines and sewerage system, electricity, lighting, TT Instalation of gas, seeding establishment and instalation of irrigation, replacement of old asphalt by new one and production of concrete blocks pavement
Investor: PE for planing and construction of Municipality Aranđelovac
Contract value: EUR 2.77m